Understand Your Body
Better Than Ever

Imagine if you could ask your body…”What’s going on?”

At Tulio Health and Wellness, Functional Health Reports are created using individual comprehensive lab information to identify each patient’s unique biochemical patterns so that we can make personalized decisions that leader to better health decisions and outcomes.

Your Functional Health Report helps you understand:

  • Where you are: what do your lab results mean and where are there specific imbalances that need to be addressed.
  • How you are doing & next steps: By identifying imbalances, we are able to be proactive with our patients with meaningful recommendations.
  • Your progress:  Track your results to see how well your personalized plan is working.


“Like a fingerprint, people are individual with unique biochemical characteristics. Having a Functional Health Report is like talking directly to YOUR body.”

Dr. William Strimel

Experience the Difference

"Normal" isn't Good Enough

These functional blood chemistry ranges are empirically correlated with real health outcomes, and by tracking their patients’ progress toward or away from those ranges, practitioners help guide their patients toward optimal health — not merely “normal” health.

Focus on Prevention

When you approach blood chemistry from the functional perspective, you gain a tool to identify and treat dysfunction before it manifests as a disease. Rather than wait for iron deficiency to become anemia or insulin insensitivity to become diabetes, Functional Medicine practitioners intervene early and try to prevent negative health outcomes.

Staying Patient Focused

In contrast to traditional medicine’s focus on disease, the functional health approach is a patient-focused one. Looking at blood chemistry with the patient in mind and not the disease.

Personalized Plan for You

Your care team will assess your labs and create a custom plan that’s tailored to you. We understand the importance of educating you on the most effective ways to take care of your body, so that you can have improved outcomes.

You should get a Functional Health Report if…

  • You want to address existing health concerns or conditions.
  • You want to reduce your medication.
  • You want personalized recommendations.
  • You want to increase vitality and energy.
  • You are at high risk of disease.
  • You simply want to feel better!
  • You want to optimize athletic performance.


Your Investment: $400

metabolic balance

Ready to Get Started?

Connect with our team today to get started on your personalized health journey.